
Gear cube extreme can be solved in 25 moves

Write the puzzle as the group <R,F,U,D> where R and F are 180 degree moves. We use a two-phase algorithm to first reduce the state of the puzzle to the subgroup <R3,F3,U,D>, and then finish the solve in the second phase. The subgroup <R3,F3,U,D> is the group of all positions where all of the gears are oriented, because R3 is the same as R' except the gear orientation remains unchanged.

The first phase is easy to compute. There are only 3^8 = 6561 positions because each gear has only 3 different orientations, despite having 6 teeth.

Phase 1 distribution:
Depth	New	Total
0	1	1
1	4	5
2	8	13
3	78	91
4	102	193
5	1064	1257
6	920	2177
7	3576	5753
8	592	6345
9	216	6561
10	0	6561
The second phase is harder. The number of positions is 24*8!^2/2 = 19,508,428,800, since it turns out that the permutation of the 3 unfixed edges on the E slice is completely determined by the permutation of the centres. This phase was solved with a BFS and took around 7 and a half hours to complete.